Worst Prisons in Russia
Russia is known for its harsh prison system, and the country has some of the worst prisons in the world. From overcrowding to inhumane conditions, these prisons are a far cry from the ideal of justice and rehabilitation. Here are 10 of the worst Russian prisons:
1. Black Dolphin

Located in Orenburg, this prison is home to some of Russia’s most dangerous criminals. It is known for its extreme security measures, including 24-hour surveillance and electric fences. The prison is also notorious for its inhumane conditions, including overcrowding and lack of medical care. It is believed that the prison was built during the rule of Ekaterina the second, right after the suppression of Pugachev’s revolt in 1773. Most of the captured insurgents were sent to the prison. It was built in Ilyesk fortress – now in a city called Sol-Ilyesk. Prisoners were sent there to dig salt to the rest of their lives
2. Butyrka

Located in Moscow, this prison is one of the oldest in Russia and is known for its overcrowding and poor living conditions. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. Prison was built in 1771 by the same ruler –Ekaterina the second (seems like she was into prisons). The architect was Matvey Kozakov. He was the architect of MGU university building as well. He designed it in the classical castle style. This prison is known for holding its famous captive – Yemelya Pugachev. In the 19th century prison was visited by Leo Tolstoi. He stayed there while working on his romantic piece “Sunday.” And who said that self-deprecation is not the true nature of Russian golden period of literature?
3. Mordovia

Located in the Republic of Mordovia, aka IK-2, this prison is known for its harsh conditions and overcrowding. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. In 2022 Brittney Griner was transferred to IK-2. Guardian reporter wrote "it was no coincidence that the authorities had chosen to send Griner to IK-2."
4. Vladimir Central Prison

Located in Vladimir, this prison is known for its overcrowding and poor living conditions. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. Was built in 1783, guess by who? Ekaterina the second! She loved building prisons. As if this prison by itself is not a scary place to be, this one was built with a labyrinth of tunnels to prevent prisoners from escaping. In fact, there is not a single record of escape from this prison. In the beginning of prison’s existence people were admitted for petty crimes; however, it shifted to hosting more serious convicts. Today prison hosts the most dangerous felons.
5. Kopeisk

Located in Chelyabinsk, this prison is known for its overcrowding and poor living conditions. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. Because of poor conditions and mistreatment by the prison staff, in 2020 there was a prison revolt. It took 300 swat personnel to suppress the mutiny.
6. Perm-36

Located in Perm, this prison is known for its harsh conditions and overcrowding. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. Established in 1946 by soviets, it was a logging camp hosting thousands of prisoners. Lumber was used to facilitate the rebuild after the Second World War. This prison is the only remaining example of what real Gulag used to be. Since 1972 the camp was designated a "strict regime" and "special regime" (строгого режима, особого режима) camp used exclusively for the incarceration of "especially dangerous state criminals".
7. White Swan

Located in Omsk, this prison is known for its overcrowding and poor living conditions. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. The name of this prison can’t be more conical. It hosts around 300 life-sentenced criminals were a part of Chechen criminal syndicate, notorious gangs, rapists and murders – "the cream of the crop."
8. Krasnoyarsk

Located in Krasnoyarsk, this prison is known for its overcrowding and poor living conditions. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. Well known for torture. Insider published an investigation that claimed that prisoners were tormented to get blackmail on other inmates.
9. Vologda

Located in Vologda, this prison is known for its overcrowding and poor living conditions. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. This monastery-turned-to-prison facility located on the “fire island,” is a residence to the worst of serial killers, rapists and other hardened criminals. In 1928 Kirillo-Novoserskiy monastery was completely destroyed by Bolsheviks and in 1938, the colony number 14. No one has ever escaped.
10. Yaroslavl

Located in Yaroslavl, this prison is known for its overcrowding and poor living conditions. Inmates are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and the prison has been criticized for its lack of medical care. Every convict in the prison yard was given shackles to prevent escapes, the right side of the head was shaved and special brands were burned on the face with the word "THIEF". The letter "O" was placed on the forehead and the letters "V" and "R" - on the cheeks.